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How Can I Do My Own Research?

The internet has transformed research in this area. In the meanwhile, archival holdings have often been made available online. People who contact a memorial site these days have frequently done some initial research themselves. Yet in order to be able to interpret documents such as a transport list, for instance, special knowledge is required. That is why we want to share our experiences working with the memorial site archives and provide a guide for your own research.

How Do I Search for Someone?

The internet offers numerous possibilities for researching people persecuted by the Nazi regime. But where is the best possible place to start my search?


How Do I Make an Inquiry to an Archive?

Basic information can often be found through your own research. However, not all holdings of archives, museums, and memorial sites are accessible online due to privacy protection. In this case, it is advisable to submit an inquiry to an archive.


Expanding Knowledge Together

Thanks to the digitization of documents, the fates of prisoners are easier to elucidate these days. Unfortunately, some uncertainties will always remain. The archives are therefore grateful for any information that can be used to supplement the information in the databases.


The Memorial Archives

The Memorial Archives are the digital research platform of the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial. The online database contains information about prisoners in many camps.


Links and Bibliography

Helpful books and websites for your own research.
