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The Memorial Archives

The Memorial Archives are the digital research platform of the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial. The online database contains information about prisoners in many camps.

Prisoner drawings in the Flossenbürg Memorial Archives (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial/Photo: Thomas Dashuber)

The Memorial Archives bring together biographical information and documents on each prisoner from various archives, all clearly arranged on one page. What’s special about the database is the links between the scattered historical sources: imprisonment histories can thus easily be traced. The Memorial Archives also include various special databases, for instance on transports, subcamps, and death marches, as well as on Soviet prisoners of war. Detailed eyewitness interviews of former prisoners of Flossenbürg concentration camp are also available.

Pocket watch of former prisoner Rudolf Semmler, before 1941 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial/Photo: Thomas Dashuber)
Pocket watch of former prisoner Rudolf Semmler, before 1941 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial/Photo: Thomas Dashuber)

The employees of the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial use the Memorial Archives every day for their research. The database is additionally used for collection management and also forms the foundation for numerous joint projects. External scholars and researchers are granted access upon request. Private persons can conduct research without registration in all records that are no longer subject to privacy protection. Inquiries about prisoners of the Flossenbürg concentration camp can be made directly from the Memorial Archive database.